The Great Biden Cover-Up

Just weeks before the Election in 2020, 51 national security (ahem) experts wrote an open letter to the American people strongly suggesting that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian propaganda. 

We said they were lying, trying to deceive Americans into voting for President Bribery.

And we were right.

Now, in the wake of the first presidential debate of 2024, people & pundits around the world are trying to gaslight us again — this time trying to convince us they had no idea Biden was this bad.

World leaders. Diplomats. Media figures. Hollywood. Democrat Party leaders. Politicians.

Give. Me. A. Break.

They have known about his absolute unfitness for office for years.

They just realize his cover is blown and they don’t want to lose their power and credibilit

Todd Huff

Todd Huff is a popular talk show host and podcaster known for his intelligent and entertaining conservative discussions on The Todd Huff Show, which attracts 200,000 weekly listeners. He covers a variety of topics, including politics and culture, with a focus on authentic and meaningful dialogue. Outside of work, he enjoys traveling with his family, spending time outdoors, and coaching his kids' soccer team.


Free Abortions and the Radical Left's Distorted Notion of Freedom


The Democratic Meltdown Over Biden