Free Abortions and the Radical Left's Distorted Notion of Freedom

The biggest hit so far at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago has, not surprisingly, been Planned Parenthood’s free abortions and vasectomies. 

And why wouldn’t it be?

The Left has never found a freebie they would pass up. 

Of course, by “freebie,” I mean something that someone else pays for – just like this godless little mobile abortion lab they’ve got parked outside the United Center. 

To the godless Radical Left, nothing says “freedom” more than someone else paying for their so-called right to murder an unborn child. 

What an absolute abomination and distortion of genuine liberty.

Unfortunately, none of this is surprising. 

However, the truly shocking part of this is that they found enough biological men outside the convention to keep the urologists busy.

Read the article referenced in this post here.

Todd Huff

Todd Huff is a popular talk show host and podcaster known for his intelligent and entertaining conservative discussions on The Todd Huff Show, which attracts 200,000 weekly listeners. He covers a variety of topics, including politics and culture, with a focus on authentic and meaningful dialogue. Outside of work, he enjoys traveling with his family, spending time outdoors, and coaching his kids' soccer team.


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