The Democratic Meltdown Over Biden

My friends, I hate to state the obvious, but Joe Biden is currently President of the United States.

Painful to both hear and experience, I know.

But I feel the need to point this out because the Democrats and the media are in meltdown mode over Biden being the Party’s nominee for president in 2024.

So why aren’t they freaking out because he’s actually the sitting president today?

Because they only care about one thing: power.

Who cares that 72% of Americans think that Biden is unfit for office?

Or that he’s a potential national security risk?

Or that the person they nominated in 2020 is not the one making decisions today?

No, my friends, they are only concerned about Biden’s ability to gaslight Americans into voting for him again in 2024.

Todd Huff

Todd Huff is a popular talk show host and podcaster known for his intelligent and entertaining conservative discussions on The Todd Huff Show, which attracts 200,000 weekly listeners. He covers a variety of topics, including politics and culture, with a focus on authentic and meaningful dialogue. Outside of work, he enjoys traveling with his family, spending time outdoors, and coaching his kids' soccer team.


The Great Biden Cover-Up