Modern Patriots: A Conservative Christian View of Today's Fight
A powerful comparison between 1776's patriots and today's freedom fighters, examining the Christian conservative perspective on modern governmental overreach.
Never Trump Movement Crumbles: A Conservative Vindication
As Never Trump movement leaders admit their exaggerations, conservative Christians find vindication in measured, truthful political analysis.
Government Shutdown vs. COVID Lockdowns: A Tale of Priorities
The Left fears government shutdowns more than COVID lockdowns. What does this reveal about their true priorities for America?
Americans Draw the Line on Congressional Spending Chaos
As Congress attempts another massive spending bill, conservative Americans say enough is enough. The era of unchecked spending must end.
The Left's Intolerance: A Call for True American Coexistence
While radical leftists continue their divisive tactics, conservatives stand ready for respectful dialogue and true coexistence in our great nation.
Nick Bosa's MAGA Hat: The Left's Double Standard Exposed
Todd Huff examines the Left's outrage over NFL star Nick Bosa's MAGA hat, highlighting the stark contrast with their defense of Kaepernick's protests.