Awakening America: The Fight Against Radical Left Influence

My friends, the Radical Left has asserted its wicked influence over America for decades now. 

Often times the American people have been oblivious to the impact of this pervasive, cancerous influence.

We were complacent.

Asleep at the wheel.

Comfortable in our prosperity.

We are now reaping what has been sown. 

And it’s not good.

Our values have been replaced with moral relativism. 

Our liberty with government dependency.

Our hard work with entitlement.

The Radical Left worships at the altar of government. 

And they expect the rest of us to do the same as they amass more power and influence. 

But Americans are waking up to the depth of this depravity. And it may be just in the nick of time.

I certainly pray it is. 

Todd Huff

Todd Huff is a popular talk show host and podcaster known for his intelligent and entertaining conservative discussions on The Todd Huff Show, which attracts 200,000 weekly listeners. He covers a variety of topics, including politics and culture, with a focus on authentic and meaningful dialogue. Outside of work, he enjoys traveling with his family, spending time outdoors, and coaching his kids' soccer team.


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