Stack of Stuff

Each day, we produce a totally unscripted radio show and podcast. Each show is a conversation about the day’s news, headlines, talking points, and narratives.

This “Stack of Stuff” (hat tip to the late, great Rush Limbaugh) includes the background for that discussion.

Click below to access the information that Todd read in preparation for the show. While it’s not necessarily a comprehensive list, it certainly is a good start.

Todd Huff Todd Huff

The REAL State Of The Union Address

With all its flaws and problems, the U.S. is still the greatest nation on earth. The problem is not with the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the freedom and liberty on which this nation was built. The problem is not the foundation. The problem is who has been building upon it.
First and foremost, we have a wide open, ignored, and unguarded open southern border. We have government-created inflation. The DOJ has been weaponized to target political opposition. Joe Biden is being impeached for using his political position to enrich himself and his family. We have more international chaos now than when Trump was in office. We have moral depravity with the trans agenda infiltrating schools & taking over society—the Radical Left is also pushing abortion.

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Todd Huff Todd Huff

Super Tuesday Was An Annihilation

Nikki Haley is out after Donald Trump dominated Super Tuesday taking every state minus Vermont. A lot of delegates were awarded to Trump all but securing his Republican nomination. 1,215 is the number of delegates needed to secure the nomination. Trump currently has 995. He has 82% of the required delegates needed.

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Todd Huff Todd Huff

SCOTUS Ruled 9-0

A remarkable ruling by the Supreme Court in favor of Donald Trump and his eligibility to stay on the ballot in Colorado and other states considering banning him from the 2024 election. There are radical Leftists on this court including Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, and Katanji Brown-Jackson. This is a major victory not only for Trump, but for the Constitution, America, and common sense. Michelle Obama’s name continues to be on the list of rumored people to step in and be the Democrat nominee replacing Joe Biden on the ballot. Her office has released an official statement.

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Todd Huff Todd Huff

Democrats Blame Everyone But Themselves

The Left is trying to make us think that everything is perfectly fine with President Biden. They are misleading the American people daily on purpose. However, we all know that the Radical Left has mismanaged this country for decades. New York Governor Kathy Hochul blames Republicans for the crisis at the border. If President Biden wanted to fix the border, he could do it with the stroke of a pen and an executive order. Entrepreneur Grant Cardone comments on Donald Trump’s legal troubles in New York.

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Todd Huff Todd Huff

Nothing Is More Important Than Politics

The media is gaslighting us about Biden’s mental fitness. Then quit hiding (or stashing) him. They all know the truth and are lying to you because nothing is more important than politics to them. Conflating age and cognition. How many times are we going to listen to bold predictions from people who are consistently wrong? Is Mark Levin right: Does Trump have an 8th Amendment case against New York for issuing an excessive fine? I’d love to see Trump challenge it.

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Todd Huff Todd Huff

State Of The Union Hail Mary

President Biden is trailing Donald Trump in several key swing states. Strategists believe the State of the Union could be a turning point in the campaign. President Biden has yet to give the State of the Union address. This typically happens in late January, but the Biden administration has pushed the address to March 7th in a last-ditch effort, hail Mary to save his reelection campaign. Who are they kidding?

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Todd Huff Todd Huff

What It Means To Be A Conservative Pt. 2

The more government grows, the more your liberty shrinks. We have a responsibility to pass liberty on to the next generation. We must look to the Constitution. It tells each branch of government which lane to stay in.

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Todd Huff Todd Huff

What It Means To Be A Conservative Pt. 1

A fundamental principle that Americans should accept is that our rights come from our Creator. It’s dangerous to say that our rights don’t come from something greater than our government. If they came directly from a government or other human being, what they give they can take away. The nature of government is to grow and to take more control.

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Todd Huff Todd Huff

Putin Endorses President Biden

Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, endorses Joe Biden in the 2024 election. Putin claims that Biden is more predictable than Trump. The Russian president thinks he knows how to contain and control Joe Biden more than Donald Trump. The White House announced a national security threat from Russia after Speaker Johnson announced that the new aid bill to Ukraine would not pass the House of Representatives. The timing of the announcement is suspicious. Mar-a-Lago may have been raided because the FBI believed that the Russian collusion binder could’ve been on the property.

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Todd Huff Todd Huff

Secretary Mayorkas Impeached

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas has been Impeached by the Republican lead House of Representatives. It’s akin to a political indictment. Mayorkas will be tried in the Democrat-controlled Senate. The 100 senators will decide if he’s removed from his position. Tony Bobulinkski testified on Tuesday in the impeachment inquiry into President Biden and his foreign connections during his time as Vice President. The Senate passed a $95 billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. The southern border was left out completely. Speaker Mike Johnson says he’ll prevent this bill from coming to the House floor.

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Todd Huff Todd Huff

Evidence Of The Opposite

The mental fitness of President Biden is unavoidable. The administration is putting on a front that he’s got the energy, enthusiasm, and mental sharpness to perform his duties as president. The American people see the absence of this evidence. Dr. Jill Biden responded to the allegations that her husband isn’t fit for office by making excuses and ignoring massive problems.

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Todd Huff Todd Huff

Cultural High Points Of The Super Bowl

The He Gets Us campaign aired during this year’s Super Bowl and was controversial again this year. “Dark Brandon” tweeted after the game trolling people by saying, “Just like we planned it.” Instead of doing the traditional interview by the sitting American president during the Super Bowl, Biden opted to release an odd video calling on companies to quit making their products in smaller containers. Democrat strategists say the idea that Michelle Obama will replace President Biden on the November ticket is a ginned-up conspiracy theory. Squad member, Cori Bush, may be headed to a loss in the Democrat primary.

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Todd Huff Todd Huff

The Emperor Indeed Has No Clothes

There are serious rumors that President Biden might not finish his first term as president and be replaced on the Democrat ticket in November. Michelle Obama, Oprah, and Gavin Newsom are a few names being floated as replacements. PBS condemns a gratuitous report saying that Biden was framed as an old man with memory problems. This is more about his competency, not his age. People are starting to see why it doesn’t make sense to charge Trump, but not Biden.

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Todd Huff Todd Huff

A Steady Hand In The Chaos?

Nikki Haley was asked how she lost to “none of these candidates” by 30 points. She tried to explain it away by sounding like a typical Democrat by blaming Donald Trump. According to Haley, she lost because her campaign didn’t spend any money in Nevada & by maligning Trump. Haley also implores the Republicans to stop the chaos by implicating Trump. She says she would be the steady hand to lead the party.

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