GOP Called Out
During the Republican debate on Wednesday, Vivek Ramaswamy called out the larger problem that the GOP faces. As a guest on The View, Hillary Clinton compares Donald Trump to Hitler & claims if he wins in 2024, it could end our country as we know it. Donald Trump held a rally in South Florida on Wednesday instead of attending the debate. Happy Veteran’s Day! Thank you for your service.
Bipartisan vote, my friends
Beshear (D-KY) wins reelection for Kentucky governor
Kentucky Democrat is not a East or West Coast Leftist
Southern Democrats are MUCH closer to Republicans than today’s Left
Mention text message I received
When Jewish man is killed, Pocahontas is considered about Islamophobia
Correct myself about Newsom fall
Tuberville is the person we’re told it is
No one told me he was planning to run against Biden in the primary
Democrat candidate who ran a porn page with her husband loses in Virginia by less than 1,000 votes
Boring & predictable: Glamour woman of the year is a biological man
Haha! Biden advisor thinks anyone in the world would love to have Biden’s economic record